
In order to understand what Fencing is and why it is a useful feature it’s important to understand the behaviour of StatefulSets.

Kubernetes does reschedule pods from some controllers when nodes become unavailable. The default behaviour is that when a node becomes unavailable its status becomes “Unknown” and after the pod-eviction-timeout has passed pods are scheduled for deletion. By default, the pod-eviction-timeout is five minutes.

StatefulSets are the de facto Kubernetes controller to use for stateful applications. The StatefulSet controller offers guarantees around pod uniqueness, sticky identities and the persistence of PVCs beyond the lifetime of the pod. As such, StatefulSets have different characteristics and provide different guarantees than Deployments.

Deployments guarantee the amount of healthy replicas by reconciling the state of the cluster with the declared desired state. Attempts to align the cluster state with the desired state happen as fast as possible by aggressively initializing and terminating pods. If one pod is terminating, another will be automatically scheduled to start even if the first pod is not yet completely terminated. Stateless applications benefit from this behaviour as one pod executes the same work as any other in the deployment.

StatefulSets, on the other hand, guarantee that every pod scheduled has a unique identity, which is to say that only a single copy of the pod is running in the cluster at any one time. Whenever scheduling decisions are made, the StatefulSet controller ensures that only one copy of a pod is running. If a pod is deleted, a new pod will not be scheduled until the first pod is fully terminated. This is an important guarantee considering that FileSystems need to be unmounted before they can be remounted in a new pod. Any PVC defining a device requires this behaviour to ensure the consistency of the data and thus the PVC.

As a consequence of the guarantee of unique pod identity, StatefulSet pods don’t get rescheduled upon node failures. This is because Kubernetes is unable to reason about whether the node is temporarily unavailable due to a network partition or if the node has crashed. Therefore, the StatefulSet controller cannot guarantee that if it reschedules an unavailable pod that the pod is not still running. The original pod would be running on the partitioned node and the rescheduled pod would be running on a different node, in violation of the StatefulSet guarantee of pod uniqueness. Instead, the StatefulSet controller slates the pod on the partitioned node for termination, but since there is no communication between the node and the control plane, the termination cannot be actioned by the partitioned node. The control plane will then mark the pod status as “Unknown” while it waits for the partition to heal or for a manual intervention by the cluster operator. The partitioned node doesn’t make any changes to its pods as there’s no communication between the node and the Kubernetes control plane.

For more information on the rationale behind the design of StatefulSets please see the Kubernetes design proposal for Pod Safety

HA for StatefulSet applications can be achieved with the Ondat Fencing feature.

Ondat implements a feature known as Fencing. With Fencing, pods that are scheduled on a failed node can be terminated by Ondat allowing the pods to be scheduled on a different node. Ondat can determine if a pod should be rescheduled by leveraging Ondat health checks that are already used to ensure high availability of data and failover. Without Fencing, the pod will be slated for termination but this can only be actioned when the unavailable node rejoins the cluster or the unavailable node is deleted from the cluster.

As explained in StatefulSet Behaviour, the StatefulSet controller is conservative by design, given the constraints of various types of persistent volumes that can be managed in Kubernetes. For certain workloads, when Ondat has declared a node offline it may be desirable to promote faster pod rescheduling by allowing Ondat to Fence pods on the unavailable node. By enabling Fencing, StatefulSet pods have a much shorter time to recover (TTR) than usual and no manual intervention is required for StatefulSet pods on failed nodes to be rescheduled. Hence, the combination of Ondat volume failover and Ondat Fencing makes an application more resilient to node failures with automatic recovery and a 30-60 second TTR.

As a Ondat pod runs on each node in the cluster that consumes or presents storage, and these nodes communicate using a gossip protocol, Ondat has additional insight into whether a node cannot communicate with the master or if the node is truly unavailable. Additionally due to the synchronous replication of Ondat volumes, any writes made to the volume on the partitioned node will fail as the writes cannot be acknowledged by replica volumes. Therefore, in a scenario where the node is unreachable Ondat knows that the pod will lose access to its data so it is safe for Ondat to force the pod to be rescheduled.

For more information about how to enable Fencing please see our Fencing Operations page.