Encrypted Volumes

Volumes can be encrypted when they are created using the storageos.com/encryption label. The labels can be passed to Ondat using PVCs or you can directly create volumes using the Ondat CLI or GUI with the encryption label applied.

For more in depth discussion of how encryption works please see the Encryption concepts page.

Required labels

The storageos.com/encryption label must be applied to the volume when it is created. The encryption status of a volume cannot be changed after a volume has been created.

You can pass the label using a PVC

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc0002
    "storageos.com/encryption": "true"
    volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: fast
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi

You can also pass the encryption label when creating volumes using the CLI

$ storageos volume create encrypted-volume --label storageos.com/encryption=true

You can also add the encryption label when creating a volume with the GUI

Backing up Secrets

Ondat generates the cryptographic keys that are used to encrypt data (see Encryption for more details). The keys that are used to encrypt a volume are stored in a Kubernetes secret. As such, Ondat does not have access to the keys that are used to encrypt a volume and if the keys are lost the volume cannot be decrypted.

As a precautionary measure it is recommended that you backup the Kubernetes secrets used to store the encryption keys.

Ondat will create one secret per encrypted volume and the secrets are created in whatever namespace Ondat is installed into.

$ kubectl get secrets -n kube-system
NAME                                           TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
ns-key.default                                 Opaque                                1      20h
vol-key.4276fc07-7d85-70bf-35a0-f0b005e55e0f   Opaque                                4      1m

In the output above there is a ns-key.default and a vol-key.

A ns-key is created for each Ondat namespace in the format ns-key.{namespace}. A vol-key is created for every encrypted volume. The vol-keys are named vol-key.{volume-id}. The volume id can be retrieved by inspecting the volume.

# Find the PVC name
$ kubectl get pvc --show-labels
NAME      STATUS   VOLUME                                     STORAGECLASS   AGE   LABELS
pvc0002   Bound    pvc-1c68f013-40dd-11e9-91ad-0a57700a78b4   fast           10m   storageos.com/encryption=true

# Inspect the volume and find the volume ID
$ storageos volume inspect default/pvc-1c68f013-40dd-11e9-91ad-0a57700a78b4 | grep -m1 id
        "id": "4276fc07-7d85-70bf-35a0-f0b005e55e0f",

# Find the secret for PVC pvc0002
$ kubectl get secret vol-key.4276fc07-7d85-70bf-35a0-f0b005e55e0f
NAME                                           TYPE     DATA   AGE
vol-key.4276fc07-7d85-70bf-35a0-f0b005e55e0f   Opaque   4      12m

Ondat recommends that vol-key and ns-keys are backed up. This can be done by outputting the secrets as yaml and storing the resulting files securely. The example below will output the ns-key.default to a ns-key.default.yaml file.

$ kubectl get secret ns-key.default -o yaml > ns-key.default.yaml

The vol-key secret contains all the keys necessary to decrypt a volume so ensure that backups of the vol-keys are stored securely.

Restoring Secrets

In order to restore backed up secrets use kubectl to create them. The secrets have a namespace field in the file themselves so a namespace does not need to be specified.

$ kubectl create -f ns-key.default.yaml

Keys can be restored while Ondat is running and will be used dynamically by Ondat.