StorageOSCluster Resource Configuration
The following table lists the configurable spec parameters of the StorageOSCluster custom resource and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
csi.deploymentStrategy |
CSI helper deployment strategy (statefulset or deployment ) |
statefulset |
csi.enable |
Enable CSI setup | false |
csi.enableControllerPublishCreds |
Enable CSI controller publish credentials | false |
csi.enableNodePublishCreds |
Enable CSI node publish credentials | false |
csi.enableProvisionCreds |
Enable CSI provision credentials | false |
debug |
Enable debug mode for all the cluster nodes | false |
disableFencing |
Disable Pod fencing | false |
disableScheduler |
Disable Ondat scheduler | false |
disableTCMU |
Disable TCMU to allow co-existence with other TCMU users. Disabling TCMU degrades performance | false |
disableTelemetry |
Disable telemetry reports | false |
forceTCMU |
Forces TCMU to be enabled or causes Ondat to abort startup | false |
images.apiManagerContainer |
Ondat API Manager container image | storageos/api-manager:v1.0.0 |
images.csiClusterDriverRegistrarContainer |
CSI Cluster Driver Registrar Container image | |
images.csiExternalAttacherContainer |
CSI External Attacher Container image | |
images.csiExternalProvisionerContainer |
CSI External Provisioner Container image | storageos/csi-provisioner:v1.0.1 |
ìmages.csiLivenessProbeContainer |
CSI Liveness Probe Container Image | |
images.csiNodeDriverRegistrarContainer |
CSI Node Driver Registrar Container image | |
images.hyperkubeContainer |
Deprecated field - HyperKube Container image | Default dependent on Scheduler version |
images.initContainer |
Ondat init container image | storageos/init:2.1.0 |
images.kubeSchedulerContainer |
Kube scheduler container image | Default dependent on Scheduler version |
images.nfsContainer |
Ondat nfs container image | storageos/nfs:1.0.0 |
images.nodeContainer |
Ondat node container image | storageos/node:1.5.4 |
ingress.annotations |
Annotations of the ingress used by the cluster | |
ingress.enable |
Enable ingress for the cluster | false |
ingress.hostname |
Hostname to be used in cluster ingress | storageos.local |
ingress.tls |
Enable TLS for the ingress | false |
k8sDistro |
The name of the Kubernetes distribution is use, e.g. rancher or eks |
kvBackend.address |
Comma-separated list of addresses of external key-value store. (, ) |
kvBackend.backend (v2 deprecated) |
Name of the key-value store to use. Set to etcd for external key-value store. |
embedded |
namespace |
Namespace where storageos cluster resources are created | kube-system |
nodeSelectorTerms |
Set node selector for storageos pod placement | |
pause |
Pause the operator for cluster maintenance | false |
resources |
Set resource requirements for the containers | |
secretRefName |
Reference name of storageos secret | |
secretRefNamespace |
Namespace of storageos secret | |
service.annotations |
Annotations of the Service used by the cluster | |
service.externalPort |
External port of the Service used by the cluster | 5705 |
service.internalPort |
Internal port of the Service used by the cluster | 5705 | |
Name of the Service used by the cluster | storageos |
service.type |
Type of the Service used by the cluster | ClusterIP |
sharedDir |
Path to be shared with kubelet container when deployed as a pod | /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ |
storageClassName |
The name of the default StorageClass created for Ondat volumes | storageos |
tlsEtcdSecretRefName |
Secret containing etcd client certificates | |
tlsEtcdSecretRefNamespace |
Namespace of the tlsEtcdSecretRefName | |
tolerations |
Set pod tolerations for storageos pod placement |